-> Developed an ERC20 Token Staking platform where users can stake, withdraw tokens and receive rewards proportional to their staking duration.
-> Build a MINT Platform where users can mint NFTs and list them for sale, used ERC721 Token as technical standard.
-> Worked with various libraries like Moralis web3, IPFS system, Rainbowkit and integrated them with React frontend.
-> Developed entire multi-level user onboarding system, match allocation, report generation system having having 10000+ registered users.
-> Build 100+ reusable components and interfaces using React.js, Material UI with Redux to achieve better state management.
-> Implimented a scalable RCM based backend in Node.js + Express.js + MongoDB to exchange data using REST APIs
-> Developed the frontend using ReactJS and used Redux for state management
-> Integrated RazorPay payment gateway for accepting payments in demo mode.
A Decentralized blockchain application designed to streamline and enhance the production and tracking of medicines. This open-source project utilizes blockchain technology and smart contracts to maintain transparency and accountability throughout the medicine production process.
An end to end full stack E-commerce website catered to both users and admins with full fledged authentication system and responsive frontend.
Developed a Decentralized Document Management System that keeps the tracks of the documents using the on-chain history and keeps the documents in encrypted form which provides safety and security.
Developed a Full fledged Blogging website where you can Upload, Edit, Delete your blogs as well as Read, Like and Comment on other's blogs.
A Decentralized social media application like Instagram, built on Ethereum Blockchain network where you can upload posts with a caption, see other's post and can TIP them ethers.
Personal Portfolio
Created a personal portfolio website with advanced animations for amazing user experience.
Asset Tokenization
Creating digital tokens on blockchain network using truffle where user can buy token, it also has KYC whitelisting functionality where only whitelisted accounts can buy assets.
MERN application which allows you to add, edit, view, delete and manage your personal notes on cloud along with strong authentication system.
React Application which provides you the Daily Latest News Category wise using fetch NewsAPI. User can click on the news and get full details about it.
Have experience of how to work in cooperate environment and finish tasks within the given deadline.
Proven track record of delivering projects on time, making me a valuable asset for companies looking to improve their web development capabilities and increase their online presence.
Clinched a spot in Uhackathon Finale and won best project from blockchain category among more than 500 teams registered from the entire nation.
been doing development since a long time, worked on several large scale projects and created beautiful and functional websites.
+91 8224094514
Gwalior, India
Category - Web Application
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